In fact, it was not uncommon to see stacks of rotting corpses along streets. An air of morbidity hung over the people during this time. At least 25 million people died during this pandemic – known to be one of the deadliest in history. The Angel of Death – another way the grim reaper was referred to – came about during the black plague that caused millions of deaths across Europe and beyond. It is during the 14 th century that the image of the grim reaper that we know of today seemed to have established itself. So, you can see the possibility that these two figures also lend themselves to the image of the modern-day grim reaper, similar to Thanatos. The names Chronos and Cronus also sound like ‘Korone’ – a Greek word meaning ‘crow’. The hourglass could have come from Chronos signifying the passing of time. Modern-day grim reapers are also shown to be carrying an hourglass and accompanied by a crow. On the other hand, Chronos was the father of time (or personification of time). He is also considered to have devoured his children. He was depicted with a harp, sickle, or scythe. Additionally, Cronus was a titan and father of Zeus. He would deliver the souls to Charon, who would ferry the souls across the mythical river Styx. Thanatos’ main job was to escort departed souls to the underworld Hades. He was portrayed as a young and pleasant man. The conceptual beginning of the grim reaper seems to be during the times that Greek mythology flourished. Where did the concept of the grim reaper come from? The personification of death has appeared in various historical cultures around the world, from the Norse to the ancient Chinese. But in actuality, grim reapers were merely supposed to be forces of nature, carrying out their duty of accompanying lost or newly passed souls. In many popular books and movies, the grim reaper is depicted as a villain or a ghoul – someone to be feared. Grim reapers are psychopomps – figures that carry the responsibility to accompany, fetch, or ferry souls from the land of the living to the afterlife. Sometimes the grim reapers are skeletal figures who appear to be donning this attire. Death is represented as a human-like but supernatural figure and is generally depicted as wearing a black cloak and wielding a scythe. What is a grim reaper? A grim reaper is a personification of death. The grim reaper, or the personification of death, seems to be pervasive in many cultures, and I was curious to know its origins. It left me wondering where the concept of the grim reaper came from.

3000x1500px Fate Series, Fate/Grand Order, Oda Nobunaga (Fate/Grand Order).
#Female human grim reaper drawing movie
1600x1067px Star Wars wallpaper, movie poster, Leia Organa, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker.1920x1080px skeleton digital wallpaper, digital art, artwork, simple background.3000x1255px women, black hair, bangs, women with glasses, looking at viewer.